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first world problems

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What's the state of online poker?
  k4ir0s, Jun 14 2024

I've been out of the loop for a long time. I miss poker and want to get back into it casually for some side income and fun.

TBH, I sometimes find myself missing my early/mid 20s, the pokerstars days, and this community. I felt a lot lighter and worry free back then.

Are games fishy enough in ~nl100 for an old timer like me to stand a chance?

I miss live poker too. But I'm living in Mexico now, and def don't trust the casinos here.

What poker site should I look into?

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Is picking stocks a waste?
  k4ir0s, Feb 09 2022

I've been leaning about investing the past few months, because I stupidly haven't thought about my retirement up until recently. It's not fun using a retirement calculator the first time, and realizing how much you need by X age in order to live off your investments comfortably. If you're not making bank, you're relying on compounding interest. And if a decade similar to 2000 to 2010 happens, it can ruin your plans.

Wondering what the opinions here are on picking your own stocks vs dumping your money in ETFs?

I always see the stat mentioned: Something like 85-90% of investors who pick their own stocks significantly underperform the market. Yet I chose to pick my own stocks, because like everyone else who does it I think I'm capable enough to beat the market. And I assume winning poker players have the temperament to do it. Or am I being retarded? I'm talking about holding med to long-term, not day trading.

Either way, what a time to get into it. The past decade was a bull market and it looks like that may change.

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  k4ir0s, Jul 15 2020

Any recommendations? I like to listen to them while exercising.

Just finished Can't Hurt Me, which I would recommend to anyone looking for change in their lives.

This year has been tough. Quarantine hit me the same time as another breakup. I started a web business last year and was doing good, picking up clients and picking up momentum until it all came to a immediate halt. I need some inspiration; I need to pick myself up again. Success is there for the taking, and I know how to get there. I crunched the numbers and looked the data I accumulated. I need to network with business owners twice a week, and cold call businesses 2-3 hours a day, follow up, do a bit of content marketing and do good work. And the money will come. My ex taught me how to stat a business, so I have her to thank for. The problem is, that money has never been a significant motivator for me. I wish it were.

Ever since I allowed myself to get involved in dating in a meaningful way I have found so much happiness through it. Falling for someone is the greatest feeling. It's something I've been missing my whole life. It just doesn't last. This time it lasted 1 year, and boy was much of that 1 year euphoric. My confidence skyrocketed and I felt so at peace for the first time in a long time. Of course it's unhealthy to depend on someone else for much of my happiness, and that's something I am looking to change. I blogged about this before when all of this started. I just need to learn to be content on my own for now. Relationships are hard. When they work it feels like bliss, but when they end your world can fall apart.

I'm trying to get back into the groove by focusing on fitness again. I neglected much of my fitness goals ever since the gyms closed. It takes another level of discipline to workout at home. Fitness is one of the few things that consistently improves my mood.

You know what's the most frustrating thing? Knowing what you want and knowing what you have to do to get there, yet not doing it because of an elusive block. In the words of Kurt Cobain "Somethings in the way".


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